DADsquared Writer Dara Fisher's Thoughts On The Massacre In Orlando

By Dara Fisher On Sunday morning I was in the car with my husband on our way to Palm Springs to enjoy my only day off when I used my phone to go online and see what was going on in the World. At the moment, I am working about 75 hours a week between my real job and the new position I took at a local non-profit for kids so I haven’t been tuned into most of what is happening these days. As I went through my Facebook feed, I kept seeing Orlando so I clicked on a link and it felt like I had been punched in the chest. I couldn’t breathe and trying to speak to my husband about what I was reading was difficult because I couldn’t stop crying. There are so many things wrong with this horrific event. First and foremost, we have lost 49 members of our community. That, in and of itself, is a tragedy. Beyond that, this was the result of so many things that our wrong with the human race. I have th...