Openning the Circle Wider. A Story about Forgiveness. By Henry Amador-Batten

"The following is a story I shared with a group of wonderful people. I share it here today and with you in the hope that even just one person sees themselves reflected in the words and perhaps finds some healing and some peace." Henry A few evenings ago, while tucking my youngest into bed we fell deep into one of those beautifully special and intimate conversations, you all know or remember those talks with your kids, in the dark, snuggled under blankets, when all the world feels fast asleep and nothing but nothing bad could possibly penetrate that little sacred space right? As we lay there, he asked me to tell him the story, yet again, about the man I had spoken about in my *Spiritual Odyssey at our UU Fellowship. I've also been given permission to share this with you all. Let me back track for just a moment. While writing my talk I had to dig deep into my past and all the how’s and whys and who’s that I had encountered on my journey...