Excuse me Sir, are you his Mom?

I've been meaning to touch on this subject for some time now, Yet when I ask friends for input, some agree are totally into it, and others, not so much . The topic? Gay Men or Gay Fathers being referred to as Wives and Mommies. Okay, not that anyone asked but here's my take. Lets go back in time, think housewives, as 1950's as that sounds. Still conjures up the image of a well made up lovely apron-wearing beauty, right? Standing by the door at 5:30, martini in hand, welcoming her hard working Husband home. When Gay couples started becoming more visible, much of society, in order to be able to understand that relationship, felt the need to place us in the same scenario described above. And I'll just go ahead and say it, many Gay men, for the same reasons, needing to be understood, willingly accepted those roles. The butch one, the femme one. The more flamboyant of the two. The Man , the Woman . Don't we still to t...