Lions and Tigers and Daddies, Oh My!

We woke up this 4th of July wondering what great adventures we could have that day.
We are nothing if not an adventurous family!

With Ben just 8 months old we knew the late night fireworks were probably not going to be in our cards.
And if his reaction to the recent pride parade's loud sounds was any indication,
we were much better off quietly at home anyway.

I thought to myself.
The Husband agreed,
and so an adventure had begun!

We lathered Ben up with Sunscreen and pulled out his newest Hat!

We packed everything up that we needed for the day and headed off to Zoo Miami.

We quickly realized that the sights and sounds of the Zoo and it's 6 million visitors,
(okay I stretch the truth slightly but we were obviously not the only ones that thought the Zoo on the 4th was the place to be!)
Was going to be a lot for Ben to take in.

He did however love the Camels,

Daddy and Ben

And he really loved the giant Lizard,

Ben and Papa

The heat and the crowds kept our pace quite slow,
luckily the Zoo's speed limit was spot on!

We had hoped that this would be one of those new big experiences for Ben.
We thought he would ooh and ah over all the marvelous creatures we were going to introduce him to,

We thought that he would recognize some of these new friends from the books and story's he is so lovingly read.

But it turned out he he only had eyes for two very familiar, hairy, sweaty and smelly mammals,

His Daddy and his Papa,
and that was just perfect with us!

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