awaking my little adventurer

The following post was written for Ergobaby, not to be used or duplicated without the authors consent.

Our Son Benjamin was born nearly 10 months ago.

Of all the things people told us,
the one thing that shook my existence was when we heard the following,
"Well I guess your traveling days are over for a while!" 

Shook my existence I tell ya!
You see, my Husband and I are adventurers, we climb pyramids, we explore distant worlds, we ride camels and we live for our next trip.

Pillow talk in our home revolves around things like the Taj Mahal or Machu Picchu or where we want to live next.

And that is why those words sat so heavily on us.

Because we were Dads now would that mean that the magic of Morocco or the secrets of the Incas could only be ours by going to Epcot Center when our boy was two or three years of age?

Well no, not us I say, and thanks to our Ergobaby Carrier we proved all the naysayers wrong.

We just returned from our first great adventure to Puerto Rico with Ben.
With our Ergo we wandered the depths of the amazing Caverns of Rio Camuy and we climbed the mystical trails of El Yunque Rainforest.

With each step I took with Ben safe on my chest I learned so much more about him.

The sounds of the Rainforest possessed him.
He looked up at me every so often as if to keep himself from going too far into its magic.

When we reached the beautiful Mina Falls by way of the Big Tree Trail, Ben looked up at that great sight with pure wonder and joy.

He's a thinker, our boy, he looks at things differently than most babies his age.
He actually breathes things in and allows himself to sink into all new experiences.
Even when the rain came as we wandered I lifted his sleep hood and he calmly, safely and happily drifted off until the Sun rejoined us.

Thanks to his Dads' sense of adventure and to our Ergobaby Carrier, Ben is free.
He took flight, both literally and figuratively and got the first taste of his future.
All buckled in and ready to go!

We have a new mantra in our house...Have Ergo will travel!


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