FAMILY by Joey Spinelli

The holidays are approaching. This means a lot of things to my family and me. Most Importantly it means we are going to North Dakota for Thanksgiving. What? North Dakota? I know, I know, its sooo Middle America, but that’s where my partner is from and that’s where his family is. Since this is the time of year where we remember to be thankful, I want to give you and idea of what his family means to me. I look forward to this trip every year. My partner can take it or leave it. He loves his family but he is more concerned about spending that $1000.00 on new landscaping or updates to the house, not plane tickets. I love all that stuff also, but to me family time is more important. I remember the first year T and I were dating. We went to ND to visit for Thanksgiving and I got to meet a big part of his family. There was his mom, his step dad, his sister, her husband and their two kids...