A “Wedding” wedding. by Joey Troxel

Its just a ceremony, it doesn’t really mean anything. I mean, we have been together for 10 years and we have a 7yr old child. We already committed to each other long ago. That’s what I kept telling everyone. Its not a “Wedding” wedding, Its just a formality. We decided last year that we needed to get married. There were many reasons for the decision. The biggest one was so I could legally change my last name in order to start the process of all three of us having the same last name. Or course there were other reason too. For instance, I am on T’s health insurance at his work. His employer is nice enough to offer their health insurance to domestic partners of employees. This means that regardless of if your partner is the same sex or different sex, they can be covered through the employee’s health insurance without being married. The bad part is that you are taxed on that benefit. It’s...