Feb 5 th , 2015. We waited 8 years for this day. When people ask me about my boy, I always say it’s a very complicated story. Really, its not that complicated, but I don’t want to tell it in a way that makes anyone involved look as if they made mistakes or that somehow our boy was deprived in any way. It all started 8 years ago when my sister realized she was pregnant. She had always told me that she didn’t want kids, she just wanted dogs. I am 18 years older than her so I have known her for her whole life. We talked about her options. She was dating the child’s birth father and they really wanted to make it work between them, but it just didn’t. Relationships are tricky. Adding a baby to the mix at an early stage can really scare a new couple even thought these two knew each other from high school. My sister had mentioned to me that T and I would be great dads. I was somewhat shocked. T and...
We appear to live in a world of haves and have nots. Are and are nots. Always looking over the fences, wanting what the others have. Never really aware of what we already have or are . I am a Gay Man, married to the same and raising a child in a world where so many feel that to be a dream, an impossibility. Now, please understand. I do not marginalize or minimize, in any way shape or form the war that is waging for equal rights in the LGBT community. It's just that I live my life not with the idea of tomorrow or one day , but rather in the realities of today . There are countless individuals throughout the world that continue to deny a shift, a change. They live in protest as if their nays and boo's will stop the momentum of a time that has definetley arrived, not a time that is coming . Not a time being prayed for, but one that is here . This is certain, I am proof. My Husband and Son are proof. The remarkable parents w...
Many of you have been asking for some information on what exactly is happening in India regarding Surrogacy and Gay's both single and coupled. As mysterious and confusing as the Country seems is as mysterious as some of the information being fed to us on this topic. You may recall I recently did an interview with Rudy Rupak, CEO and Co-Founder of Surrogaycy and PlanetHospital . That interview was just before the Gay Surrogacy bubble popped in India and I thought I would reach out to Rudy to shed some light on the subject. I asked him just what was happening in India? What was the status on couples already working with surrogates in India? And finally, where could we turn now? The following was his response. "It had been rumored for many years but we never thought it would happen that surrogacy for single parent and same sex couples in India would be banned, however it’s true and it is now illegal. The clinics who were ...
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