
Showing posts from May, 2015

Mother’s Day Through A Gay Dad’s Eyes

Another Mother’s Day is right around the corner. Our fourth since our son was born. As any writer will tell you, especially a gay dad writer, this day gives birth (pun intended) to many articles about how our types of families handle this yearly event. And let me tell you, that there are countless scenarios playing out all over this great big world of ours, this is just humbly.. mine. Read full article  HERE

A Gay Father’s Simple Hopes For Justice Sotomayor

So I would never use the word intelligent to describe myself. I am far from a thinker or an over analytical man. I am much simpler than that, more basic, I’m a feeler. I trust my gut and my instincts and I make every attempt to move away from what what I perceive as pain and move towards what my spirit senses as pleasure. The pain/pleasure principle. I also believe in making as many decisions as I can sourced from inspiration rather than desperation. That little concept, I believe, can change lives. Read full article  HERE