Carpe Diem - Seize Your Gay Day!

We appear to live in a world of haves and have nots. Are and are nots. Always looking over the fences, wanting what the others have. Never really aware of what we already have or are . I am a Gay Man, married to the same and raising a child in a world where so many feel that to be a dream, an impossibility. Now, please understand. I do not marginalize or minimize, in any way shape or form the war that is waging for equal rights in the LGBT community. It's just that I live my life not with the idea of tomorrow or one day , but rather in the realities of today . There are countless individuals throughout the world that continue to deny a shift, a change. They live in protest as if their nays and boo's will stop the momentum of a time that has definetley arrived, not a time that is coming . Not a time being prayed for, but one that is here . This is certain, I am proof. My Husband and Son are proof. The remarkable parents w...