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Nearly two years has passed since we introduced the word DADsquared to the world. It began with the Facebook page and this blog but it quickly became more. DADsquared became a home for men (and women) all around the world searching for a missing piece in their lives, and that missing piece was children. Since it's birth, DADsquared has seen the world of Gay Dads rise to such unbelievable heights that I often stand back in awe. Our making Babbles Top 50 Blogs for 2012 is certainly proof of that. We have seen countless numbers of new families being created. We have been guided and help guide many people towards parenthood. We have forged relationships with some amazing attorneys, surrogacy agencies, adoption agencies and all sorts of professionals who's expertise in helging LGBT families grow is undeniable. As we ourselves grew we found ourselves building DADsquared in the same way we build families, with hope, blind faith and trust. In c...