To Be a Dad. A Lesson in Fatherhood by Toyota, Yes I Said Toyota.

By Henry Amador

Toyota launched a beautiful new campaigne called "The Bold New Camry."'
Okay before go any further forget what I just said, 
forget that this video is somehow tied into to buying a car, 
forget that it was created to make a buck. 

Forget all of that and sit back and watch this wonderful testament to fatherhood.
I am one of those dads that when asked "how do you know you can be a good dad considering your childhood?" answers the same way, with the same tear rolling down my cheek, "I'm trying."

When each of these kids are asked how they know their dads love them not a one of them answers based on the things they have, they all answer based on the words they hear, the kisses their fathers give them, the amount of love they are shown and the fact that these dads are present in their childrens lives.

Yeah, this video really caught me by surprise, no matter what we came from we all still have the choice and the ability to do better, to be better, to be the dads we wished we'd had.

Great job Toyota, I may just go for a test drive.


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